The glory of god in the book of ezekiel last seen

The book begins with the initial date of his divine calling. The bible journey ezekiel sees the glory of the lord. It is composed of 48 chapters divided almost half before and after the fall of jerusalem. Like them, we cant continue reading the book of ezekiel, part 3. Now, at the age of 30 the year he would have been start. I restrict myself in this article to the last part of ezekiel 3348. Jun 01, 2012 the messenger gives ezekiel a tour of the temple, measuring the various walls, gates, and courts. Gods glory its appearing, departure and return stem publishing. This too makes sense, since the temple is where, above all, god. Because the enemy hath said against you, aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession. Look, the glory of the god of israel was there, according to the appearance that i saw in the plain.

The relationship between the glory of y and the spirit of. We remember that the last place we saw the glory was on the top of the. Ezekiel lesson 43 verse by verse ministry international. So ezekiel saw the glory of the lord return through the east gate. The glory kabod is seen several times by the prophet before it finally abandons the temple in jerusalem ezek. Ezekiel bible study outlinecontents by chapter and verse.

We read the following in the book of ezekiel about gods glory. God is god, and i am not winkie pratney says that the above statement can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars of theological education. Now, in ezekiel s final vision, he sees the glory of god returning, with god speaking and the entire land shining with his glory. It wasnt in jerusalem he saw it, he saw vision of the glory of the lord in captivity which was. In this final part of the book, we see how the spirit of yhwh, who transforms. The bible speaks of the glory of the god of scripture. Ezekiel saw more than moses saw, more than david, isaiah, or daniel saw. Introduction ever since leaving egypt, israel could visibly, physically know whether or not it was walking in faithfulness to god by whether or not his presencethe shekinah glory was inhabiting first the tabernacle and later the temple. Three times over in the book of numbers the glory of the lord appeared in times of.

Suddenly, as with his contemporary ezekiel, daniel is given a vision of the glory of god and he saw one whose face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes burning like flaming torches and his arms and legs gleaming like burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like a noise of a multitude. And the name of the city from that time on shall be, the lord is there. Ravi zacharias the glory of god for this we were made. Most of the books of the major prophets isaiahdaniel begin with a call from god for their ministry. This glory came from the way of the east, and therefore he was brought to the gate that leads towards the east, to expect the appearance and approach of it. A biblically accurate depiction of ezekiel s astonishing, glorious, magnificent, vision of god and c.

Ezekiel chapters 8 through 11, the glory of the lord departs. The book of ezekiel he will be strengthened of god. Weve seen in their decline and destruction that sin leads to death. Ezekiel saw the glory of god depart but thank god, he also saw it return. The wheels the movement of god s administration upon the earth vv. Study guide for ezekiel 43 by david guzik blue letter bible. The lord returns to his temple reformed bible studies. Glory speaks of honor, of beautiful luminous light, of holiness, of the presence of god. Folks, this vision of god deserves hours of study and chapters of. The glory of the god of israel came from the way of the east. Yet all men do not discern in the wonders of creation the glory of god, even if his. This inner transformation, image bearers coming into right relationship with their creator, has been spreading ever since. Ezekiel understood this in the most literal way actually describing the cloudlike shekinah moving through the eastern gate of jerusalem, up the mount of olives, and away ezekiel 10.

The reason for this confusion is a lack of understanding of the timeperiod to which the text refers. This is the cloud of glory that overshadowed mary when she conceived jesus by the power of the holy spirit. Ezekiel wasnt the first man to see yahwehs glory cloud. As the book opens, we see how god strengthened him with powerful visions so he could perform the job he was called to do. Study guide for ezekiel 10 by david guzik blue letter bible. Ezekiel 43 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. The unifying feature in the book of ezekiel is the glory of the lor. The lord said to the man clothed in linen, go in among the wheels beneath the cherubim. Ezekiels last vision free bible commentary in easy english. The calling of ezekiel and a vision of the glory of god. Ezekiel powerfully depicts the grandeur and glory of god s sovereign rule see themes and his holiness, which he jealously safeguards. For i tell you, you will not see me again until you say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord matthew 23. Review last thursday night, we began our study of the. The book of ezekiel is the third of the latter prophets in the tanakh and one of the major prophetic books in the old testament, following isaiah and jeremiah.

Now the presence of god is for all of god s people, not simply a select few. Then ezekiel knew that jerusalem had lost gods special protection. Making sense of ezekiels temple vision christian research. God shows up in all his glory by a river to inform ezekiel, he is meant for a greater purpose. Gods glory returns to the temple then the man brought me to the gate facing east, and i saw the glory of the god of israel coming from the east. In contrast to various other prophets ezekiel has not been criticised as much. According to the book itself, it records six visions of the prophet ezekiel, exiled in babylon, during the 22 years from 593 to 571 bc, although it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very. God never gives up on those that are his and he will never fail to fulfill his many promises. Their sin ultimately led the nation to judgment from god. The jesus focus in the book of ezekiel lifecoach4god. Book of ezekiel explained discover books of the bible. Ezekiel 1 nlv ezekiel sees god s throne on the bible. When he saw god s glory, ezekiel prostrated himself and worshiped the lord. The second moment is the very last verse of the book.

The prophets original audience must have found this vision particularly encouraging. Their sinful practices of the past such as idolatry on the high places would. April 26th 571, the latest date given in the book and. Last week the full glory of god was on display in the first chapter of ezekiel.

The book of ezekiel summary online bible nwt american. Upwards of 75 times god expresses his own concerns in the book as for my names sake or that ye shall know that i am the lord. As seen in the figure above, there were two courts of the temple, the inner and outer. The relationship between the glory of yhwh and the spirit of yhwh. Ezekiel 1 nlv ezekiel sees gods throne on the bible.

This is part 7 of a bible study series through the book of ezekiel. Without the glory of the god of israel, ezekiel s temple was nothing more than a building. Furthermore, as god s spokesman, ezekiel s son of man status see note on 2. The glory of god as the goal of history desiring god.

The book records the date of the beginning of ezekiel s ministry as 593 b. Book of ezekiel known to be written by prophet ezekiel and is placed immediately after lamentation in ot. Ezekiel 1 net a vision of god s glory in the bible. The presence of god was invisible to the people of jerusalem, while ezekiel was witness to both the human and spiritual realms. The prophet receives a series of strange signs and visions that reveal the wickedness of the people and the coming judgment. May 30, 2017 the same glory ezekiel had seen, experienced, back in his initial chapter. In dramatic and moving imagery, ezekiel is shown that god has abandoned the temple in jerusalem, driven away by the sins of israel chs.

Introduction to ezekiel 4048 the next portion of ezekiel, chapters 40 to 48, is an area that is not often covered in christian literature because it can seem confusing. Like other prophets, ezekiel s calling from god was dramatic and life changing. God revealed in ezekiel bridges for peacebridges for peace. The glory or throne leaves the house of god temple where gods glory had dwelt in the past. The appearance of the likeness of the glory of the lord ezekiel 1. Behold, i am against you, o sidon, and i will manifest my glory in your midst. But until then, as jesus said, look, your house is left to you desolate. God of glory thunders, the lord is over many waters.

And that means that love is the clearest outward demonstration of the glory of god that we can perform. Biblically accurate ezekiels astonishing vision of god. And in the morning you shall see the glory of the lord. God met the man that he would rise up as a prophet where he was, down by the river. Cherubim as minor guardian deities of temple or palace thresholds are known all over the ancient east. Ezekiel s vision of the four living creatures in ezekiel chapter 1 are identified as cherubim in chapter 10 who are god s throne bearers. Ezekiel the holy bible, berean study bible read the bible. From the same directly ezekiel saw god s glory depart ezekiel 11. Instead, ezekiel received the call from god to be a prophet to the people. Beside each of the living creatures there was a wheel, or rather a wheel within a wheel perhaps one wheel at right angle to the other like a gyroscope. He saw the people commit their sins and records their actions.

Upwards of 75 times god expresses his own concerns in the book as for my names sake or that ye shall know that i. And, behold, the glory of the god of israel was there, according to the vision that i saw in the plain. The new heaven and earth ezekiel 43 life church st louis. Not the glory of the lord filling the temple as in the days of old, but the glory according to the vision that i saw in the plaini. The book opens with god s people in exile and god unexpectedly shows up ch. The glory of god may well be viewed as the theme of the book, because ezekiel s ministry begins with a vision of god s glory and emphasizes it throughout the book 1.

This makes sense in the book of ezekiel as a whole since god s glory left the temple during exile in ezekiel 10. It addresses the problem of theodicy, meaning why god permits evil in the world, through the experiences of the eponymous protagonist. Ezekiel 10 niv gods glory departs from the temple bible gateway. Artscroll goes on, yechezkel would see the glory of god borne on a chariot that was not drawing away from. The book moves on to anticipate the destruction of jerusalem and the temple, explains this as god s punishment, and closes with the promise of a new beginning and a new temple inaugural vision ezekiel 1.

More than 90 times in the book of ezekiel, he is called son of man, which was the title jesus preferred when referring to himself. When the temple was complete in his vision, ezekiel saw the glory of the lord returning by the way of the east gate the direction in which it had left the city and filling the house of the lord ezekiel 43. Bowing down when jesus returns in a vision, ezekiel stood in the eastern gate of the temple mount. Job is a wealthy and god fearing man with a comfortable life and a large family. Jun 05, 2019 ezekiel 1 was chosen as the haftarah for the first day of shavuot, 1 as it picks up on the theme of divine revelation, which is what the festival celebrates. Perhaps the most familiar text of all pertaining to our duty to glorify god is 1 corinthians 10. The fact that israel will be the people of yhwh and that yhwh will. This last segment of ezekiel may seem a little boring after the first 39 chapters. Ezekiel also had detailed visions of a new temple ezekiel 4043, a restored jerusalem ezekiel 48. We may verify this by looking at several new testament passages. The following chapters describe various sacrificial rituals performed by priests. Gods glory departs from the temple i looked, and i saw the likeness of a throne of lapis lazuli above the vault that was over the heads of the. In a vision, ezekiel sees the glory of the lord depart from the temple to gods. Also, many years before, in a vision ezekiel saw the glory of god depart from the.

In the next section of ezekiel, the lord shows the prophet how this building is to be. Visions of captivity 1224 ezekiel is transported in the spirit to jerusalem, where he receives further signs and visions of reproof and impending doom. The book of ezekiel offers a threefold thematic scheme that supports the central claim of the pentateuch, the claim found in deuteronomy 6. Ezekiel means god strengthens, a rather appropriate name for the ministry god called him to and the situation the people of judea faced. Jan 25, 2021 23 and the glory of the lord went up from the midst of the city, and stood upon the mountain which is on the east side of the city. The foregoing may now be seen to constitute a self. Jun 20, 2016 god will show ezekiel four examples of the idolatrous worship taking place on the grounds of the temple itself.

The book s theological center is the unfolding of god s saving purposes in the history of the world from the time in which he must withdraw from the defilement of his covenant people to the culmination of. When the lord jesus came to this earth and took upon himself our humanity, his glory was not seen. The glory of god is seen departing from the temple. The idols of the heathen have no glory but what they owe to the goldsmith or the painter. Each of ezekiel s cherubim have four faces, that of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle. God consistently refers to ezekiel as the son of man, it shows that god trusts him and that he had a. Jesus is the fulfiller of the promises laid out in the book. We were looking at this book for bible study and it works fine as a leaders guide to steer questions, but it doesnt really explain the images and visions of ezekiel. Prophecy, vision of celestial chariot, four living creatures, temple, gog of magog. Chapters introduction and background of the book of ezekiel. The spirit of god came upon each one of the apostles in a magnificent display of wind and fire, just like it did in exodus 19, leviticus 9, 1 kings 8, and ezekiel 43. The chariot is drawn by four living creatures, each. Jan 08, 2011 this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the lord. He is sovereign in israel and in the affairs of the nations of the world, though the loud and boisterous claims of men seem to have drowned out this truth.

There we find a vision of the glorious presence of god that came to ezekiel in a foreign land, by the chebar river in babylon. We learned that the book was written after king nebuchadnezzar had carried the jews off captive to babylon, including a 25yearold man named ezekiel. In this weeks chapter, god sends ezekiel on his mission to bring the israelites back to him. What cannot be seen is that there are gates leading from the outer court to the inner court on the north top, south bottom, and east right. Ezekiel shares a kindred theme with isaiah and jeremiah. Ezekiel 43 niv gods glory returns to the temple bible gateway. Ezekiel was given prophethood at an age thirty after he saw a majestic vision of god s glory during his captivation in babylon. Fill your hands with burning coals from among the cherubim and scatter them over the city. His experience left him so physically and emotionally drained that he was unable to move or speak for a week.

Afterward he brought me to the gate, the gate that faces toward the east. The book of ezekiel is full of hope and descriptions of god s glory, whether in heaven, in the temple or in the future on earth the fourth of the prophetic books, and the twentysixth book in the bible, is the book of ezekiel. His voice was like the roar of many waters, and the earth shone with his glory. Watch for and record the reason for the vision of the temple and its measurements. Jun 06, 2019 six years into his ministry, ezekiel is shown another vision of the lord. And behold, the glory and brilliance of the god of israel who had loved and chosen them was there, like the vision which i saw in the plain. Ezekiels bizarre calling bibleproject the bible project. God has accomplished redemption through his son, jesus christ. Ezekiel chapter 36 kjv king james version 1 also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of israel, and say, ye mountains of israel, hear the word of the lord 2 thus saith the lord god. The cloud of the divine glory that ezekiel had last seen, at the time of its. This summarizes ezekiel s preaching and prophecy, as well as the reason for his evident hope in the.

The manifestation of gods holiness can also have something to do with execution of judgment. Ezekiel witnessed the departure of the glory of god. Compare this with what you saw in ezekiel 8 through 11. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writers inkhorn by his side. Also note what you learn about the glory of the lord and the spirit, and their relationship the temple or sanctuary. Ezekiel is first and foremost the prophet who saw the glory of. Even though his generation witnessed the destruction of the temple in jerusalem and the departure of the shechinah, god gave ezekiel visions of the futurethe people would return and the temple would be built in jerusalem chapter 40. In the book of ezekiel we have a remarkable story and i would like to just read a few verses to you. Recall that earlier in his ministry, ezekiel saw the glory of the lord leave.

God approaches ezekiel as the divine warrior, riding in his battle chariot. He also knew firsthand the glory of the temple in jerusalem, and presumably had experienced the shechinah glory of god there. This vision is of the same awe inspiring glory that ezekiel has now already seen twice in chapters 1 and 6. And they shall know that i am the lord when i execute judgments in her and manifest my holiness in her. Ezekiel 1 new english translation net bible a vision of god s glory. This is the cloud present at the transfiguration of jesus luke 9. In this final part of the book, we see how the spirit of yhwh, who transforms and revives israel, paves the way for the return of. Context ezekiels description of the progressive departure of the glory in. From the first to the last chapter of ezekiel one supreme thought runs throughout, that of the sovereignty and glory of the lord god. Find out how god revealed himself to ezekiel in a mega powerful way.

Ezekiel was one of the jews living in exile in babylon but before the fall of jerusalem. Because they thought jerusalem would never be destroyed. Commentary on ezekiel 811 god leaves the temple tough. Ezekiel s name means god is strong compare ezekiel 3. Sounds a lot like what john saw in the opening chapters of his book of revelation. A series of studies in the old testament book of ezekiel. Ezekiel sees the glory of the lord the bible journey. This is the same living creature that i saw under the god of israel by the river of chebar. What was gods glorious presence doing there with ezekiel, so far from the temple in jerusalem. And ezekiel saw when, at last, gods glory left his temple chapter 10. The presence and intimacy of god finally cherished among his holy people is the ultimate fulfillment of all biblical prophecy ez. As we learned in the preceding chapter, ezekiel was in babylon, living among his fellow exiles in a community by the river chebar evidently a navigable, manmade canal that branched off from the river euphrates and later rejoined it. In the final movement of the book of ezekiel, chapters 3848, we see the culmination of gods plan. The last dated prophecy came to the prophet in 571 b.

Ezekiel religious and theological studies loras college library. Their defeat is prelude to ezekiel s vision of a new israel whose source of life and prosperity is a wellordered cult in a new temple, where the divine glory again dwells chaps. The first series of seven dates in the book of ezekiel relate to major events in ezekiel. How the promised temple truly is fulfilled in christ or. This scriptural overview of the glory of the lord originated from the study of ezekiel, specifically the exposition of ezekiel 811 in which ezekiel describes the departure of gods glory from the first temple solomons temple as a prelude to the final destruction of the temple and the city of jerusalem in 586bc. God picks him up and carries him to various places in jerusalem, so he can see the terrible things being done by god s people.

Book of ezekiel overview insight for living ministries. Shekinah originally was used in the jewish targums aramaic translation of hebrew bible and rabbinic. Today, this gate is called the golden gate or beautiful gate acts 3. At one point, the glory of the lord, which was seen departing from the temple in an earlier vision chap. All three prophets deal with a disobedient people who have turned away from god, who are judged but promised restoration. The book of ezekiel, part 2 in our last post we saw looked at ezekiel 1. These were the living creatures that i saw by the river chebar. We have seen ezekiel report that this presence glory of yehovah departed shortly before the exile. God s glory departs from the temple i looked, and i saw the likeness of a throne of lapis lazuli above the vault that was over the heads of the cherubim. In earlier visions, ezekiel had seen the glory of god depart from the temple because of the many sins of the nation of israel.

Feb 14, 2019 last week the full glory of god was on display in the first chapter of ezekiel. Ezekiel later describes the return of the glory of god to jerusalem in the millennial kingdom. Michael williams book title for ezekiel theme of ezekiel ezekiel 37. These first few chapters deal with that very call upon ezekiel. The glory of god returns the last nine chapters of ezekiel portray the temple, the sacrificial worship, the land and the people of israel in the. The identity of the vision is again particularly mentioned in ezekiel. Ezekiel 10 niv gods glory departs from the temple bible. The importance of god s presence ezekiel s book begins and ends with the glory of the lord, as does the book of revelation.

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